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Membership to the Trinidad Rifle Association is now open to all reputable persons who are citizens of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago. Temporary membership is also an option for visitors and non-citizens.
Download our new Application Form (below) and fill it out with as much information as you can provide. Background checks will also be performed on new applicants. Be sure to check the appropriate box for MEMBERSHIP TYPE.
When you are ready to submit your application for membership, give us a ring at 868 628 1321 or visit us at the range.
Our membership application form is currently being updated & will be updated soon.
To be affiliated to the Trinidad Rifle Association means to be Associated as a subordinate or subsidiary, to the Trinidad Rifle Association. The Management Committee shall consider and if thought fit, approve applications for affiliation to the Association. Such Sporting Bodies shall be called Affiliates.
An Organisation may be considered for affiliation to the Trinidad Rifle Association on the following conditions outlined:
a. The Orgainsation must be a democratically constituted Body
b. The applicant must submit a detailed history of the Organisation explaining its structure and the
discipline of the Sport in which they participate and submit the following:
i. The number of members the Organisation currently holds (no less than 25 members)
ii. Names and contacts of the Organisation’s Officers
iii. A copy of the Organisation’s constitution
iv. Certificate of incorporation as a not for profit company
v. The required fees applicable for affiliation
Conditions of Affiliation
As a condition of affiliation to the Trinidad Rifle Association, all affiliated bodies shall be bound by and comply with the rules and regulations set out in this policy:
a. A copy of the Oraganisation’s Audited Financial Report & Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
must be submitted annually upon payment of the required affiliation fees.
b. The number of members in the Orgainisation shall be no less than twenty (25) persons.
c. Request for the use of the TRA’s Facilities must be made in writing to Honorary Secretary at least
thirty days before the event. Such requests will be reviewed by the Committee before
consideration can be given.
d. Members of an Organisation affiliated to the Trinidad Rifle Association may partake in all activities
conducted by the TRA, but must show proof of his/her respective Organisation’s membership.
e. All affiliates must ensure that their Anti-Doping Policies and Rules comply with the applicable
provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code.
Benefits of Affiliation
An affiliate that is in good standing with the Trinidad Rifle Association shall be represented by the Association and may:
a. Request Sponsorships
b. Partake at all competitions Locally, Regionally and Internationally
c. Be eligible for selection on the National Team
d. Have use of the range facilities based on availability and is subject to approval by the
Management Committee of the Trinidad Rifle Association
Suspension or Termination of Affiliation
The Trinidad Rifle Association may suspend or Terminate an Organisation’s affiliation for any of the following:
i. Should the Organisation fail to pay the Affiliation fees before March 31st
ii. Should the Oragnisation fail to submit together with the required affiliation fees, the Minutes of
the Annual General Meeting and/or the audited financial report.
iii. Should the Organisation display any form of discrimination with regard to a Country or a person
on the grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise.
iv. Should the Organisation fail to encourage and support the promotion of ethics in sport as well as
the education, the spirit of fair-play and ensure that all acts of violence is banned
v. Should the Organisation fail to promote sport for all
vi. If the Organisation fails to lead the fight against doping and adopt the principles of anti-doping
vii. If the Organisation shows any form of disrespect, slander or disregard for the Policies, Codes or
Rules & Regulations that Governs the TRA.
viii. Before the Association takes such action, the Affiliated Organisation will be given the
opportunity to present a case.
ix. The final decision shall be that of the Management Committee of the Trinidad Rifle Association
The Trinidad Rifle Association reserves the right to refuse Affiliation
*All New Affiliation Applications have been suspended until further notice
To be affiliated to the Trinidad Rifle Association means to be Associated as a subordinate or subsidiary, to the Trinidad Rifle Association. The Management Committee shall consider and if thought fit, approve applications for affiliation to the Association. Such Sporting Bodies shall be called Affiliates.
An Organisation may be considered for affiliation to the Trinidad Rifle Association on the following conditions outlined:
a. The Orgainsation must be a democratically constituted Body
b. The applicant must submit a detailed history of the Organisation explaining its structure and the
discipline of the Sport in which they participate and submit the following:
i. The number of members the Organisation currently holds (no less than 25 members)
ii. Names and contacts of the Organisation’s Officers
iii. A copy of the Organisation’s constitution
iv. Certificate of incorporation as a not for profit company
v. The required fees applicable for affiliation
Conditions of Affiliation
As a condition of affiliation to the Trinidad Rifle Association, all affiliated bodies shall be bound by and comply with the rules and regulations set out in this policy:
a. A copy of the Oraganisation’s Audited Financial Report & Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
must be submitted annually upon payment of the required affiliation fees.
b. The number of members in the Orgainisation shall be no less than twenty (25) persons.
c. Request for the use of the TRA’s Facilities must be made in writing to Honorary Secretary at least
thirty days before the event. Such requests will be reviewed by the Committee before
consideration can be given.
d. Members of an Organisation affiliated to the Trinidad Rifle Association may partake in all activities
conducted by the TRA, but must show proof of his/her respective Organisation’s membership.
e. All affiliates must ensure that their Anti-Doping Policies and Rules comply with the applicable
provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code.
Benefits of Affiliation
An affiliate that is in good standing with the Trinidad Rifle Association shall be represented by the Association and may:
a. Request Sponsorships
b. Partake at all competitions Locally, Regionally and Internationally
c. Be eligible for selection on the National Team
d. Have use of the range facilities based on availability and is subject to approval by the
Management Committee of the Trinidad Rifle Association
Suspension or Termination of Affiliation
The Trinidad Rifle Association may suspend or Terminate an Organisation’s affiliation for any of the following:
i. Should the Organisation fail to pay the Affiliation fees before March 31st
ii. Should the Oragnisation fail to submit together with the required affiliation fees, the Minutes of
the Annual General Meeting and/or the audited financial report.
iii. Should the Organisation display any form of discrimination with regard to a Country or a person
on the grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise.
iv. Should the Organisation fail to encourage and support the promotion of ethics in sport as well as
the education, the spirit of fair-play and ensure that all acts of violence is banned
v. Should the Organisation fail to promote sport for all
vi. If the Organisation fails to lead the fight against doping and adopt the principles of anti-doping
vii. If the Organisation shows any form of disrespect, slander or disregard for the Policies, Codes or
Rules & Regulations that Governs the TRA.
viii. Before the Association takes such action, the Affiliated Organisation will be given the
opportunity to present a case.
ix. The final decision shall be that of the Management Committee of the Trinidad Rifle Association
The Trinidad Rifle Association reserves the right to refuse Affiliation
*All New Affiliation Applications have been suspended until further notice
Individuals, organisations and any other entity not affiliated to the Trinidad Rifle Association are prohibited from using the property of the Trinidad Rifle Association (i.e. ranges, logo, acronym T.R.A., name, official Targets, rules & scoring systems) without the prior written approval of the Trinidad Rifle Association